Monday, 7 April 2008

Dairy free living

Dairy-Free Living

The fact is that cows don’t get calcium from milk, so why should we?

Large of amounts of money is invested in the advertisement of milk every year, but the fact of the matter is that the calcium in cows’ milk is much coarser than that of human milk and the human body does not adequately absorb it. Most people stop producing Lactase, the enzyme that breaks down Lactose at around 4 or 5 years.

The processing of dairy products significantly reduces the calcium supply in those products so therefore to use pasteurised, homogenised or other processed dairy products are very difficult to use as a good source of calcium. When milk is pasteurised the vitamins are destroyed, especially vitamin D, which is, then artificially added back into the milk. Most of us get enough calcium through other foods that we eat such as fish, especially salmon.

Many plants contain calcium mostly dark green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach and other leafy greens. Nuts and seeds, especially sesame seeds, are a super source of calcium; fruits such as dates, figs and prunes also provide a huge amount of calcium. Vegetarians need less calcium because meat proteins cause greater acidity in the blood, and the body responds to neutralise these acids with calcium-rich salts from our bones.

It is true that changing to a dairy-free diet will have many however; even reducing the amount of dairy products you consume can have an enormous health benefit to you and your family.

Foods to Avoid on a Dairy-Free Diet

Common Dairy Foods
Milk (Skimmed, semi-skimmed, whole and powdered)
Evaporated and condensed milk
Crème fraiche
Fromage frais

Processed Foods that May Contain Dairy Ingredients
Beverages and Drinks
Coffee whitener
Malted milk drinks
Instant hot chocolate drinks (powdered drinking chocolate and cocoa are usually dairy-free)

Most sweet types and some flavoured savoury varieties (for instance, those that are flavoured with cheese)
Some cereal bars

Bread and Baked Goods
Many contain dairy products

Breakfast Cereals
Some muesli-type and some oatycereals list skimmed milk powder among their ingredients.

Many contain dairy products

Milk and some plain chocolate

Custards (ready-made canned, fresh chilled and instant custard mix)
Ready-made dairy-type desserts and mousses (whether fresh, chilled or frozen)
Ice cream (dairy and non-dairy – usually made from skimmed milk and vegetable fat)
Pancakes and batter mixes
Canned rice puddings and other dairy puddings
Pudding mixes

Fats and spreads
Dairy spreads
Margarine (most brands contain some buttermilk, skimmed milk or whey powder).
Low or reduced-fat spreads (may contain buttermilk)

Savoury foods
Some breadcrumb and batter-coated items
Yorkshire puddings
Some ‘ready meals’ (fresh, chilled and frozen)
Frankfurters and some sausages
Some sausage rolls, pies and pastries
Some savoury pie fillings
Creamy sauces
Many fresh, canned and dried soups
Quiches and flans
Dips based on yogurt, fromage frais or cheese

Sweet Preserves and Spreads
Chocolate spread/chocolate and hazelnut spread
Lemon curd

Vegetables, Canned or Packaged
Creamed corn
Creamed mushrooms
Instant mashed potato
Spaghetti (canned in tomato sauce)

This list can only serve as a guide and we would always advise for you to read the ingredients label on any food you choose to buy.

Welcome to the anglophone natural parenting community in France

Beyond Breastfeeding.
The ANPA was created in response to a growing demand for an alternative to parenting organisations and “experts” that encourage artificial feeding, artificial nipples, parent-child separation, vaccines and letting babies cry it out alone, commonly know as “sleep training” and other common trends in parenting practices. We have a forum that is for discerning parents. It is for parents whose babies and children’s and consequentially the family’s well being is priority. The parents on our forum believe that being in contact with like-minded parents is part of the network that promotes conscious, educated parenting.
Our parenting choices are based on the golden standard of real milk, the human kind, and our support extends to parents who share the same standards and want to go beyond. We welcome breastfeeding mothers or mothers who have breastfed until their children wean from the the breast naturally. We believe that offering our breasts as sexual objects is a personal choice, and every woman's right. (not to mention fun) but that feeding babies with breasts is not a question of choice, but of making a stand against the power of marketing over ignorance and isolation. If you think you "can't" breastfeed or "couldn't" please see or any qualified IBCLC or an LLL leader.

This website offers a very small selection of documents and testimonies that are available on the forum PLUS a photo gallerie offering a glimpse into our lives as active parents, free, independant of bottles, (except the champagne kind of course) push chairs, cots, painful front packs and lots more of the expensive equipment that we used to think we needed to be happy parents.
Lots of us have had serious breastfeeding problems, so some of us have a lot of experience with the breast pump kind of equipment, that sometimes is necessary to save a compromised breastfeeding process. (its a bit of a paradox, but we consider the breast pump equipment an investment towards future freedom)
On the forum you will find more documents, and testimonies that can be useful to many stages of parenting, from pregnancy and giving birth to child education.
In our forum you will find real support, with attachment parents, backed by research based information. We know we are definitely the minority in our parenting standards. We know that our parenting choices can trigger guilty feelings, hostility or even aggression from parents, organisations or “experts” that don’t have the same values or education so we recognise that support in our choices is vital to our strength and well being as individual parents and families.
Although there are no rules to natural parenting, there are concepts that we all agree on that are mentioned in the ANPA charter.
To be sure the ANPA is for you, you may ask for a downloadable copy of the charter/quesionnaire. If you do agree with our basic philosophie, please fill it in and send it to
The 25€ annual membership is payable by cheque or paypal. A year's membership, gives you access to the forum, the lending library, the open house dates, meetings, brunch dates, and all the information and support that comes with it.
If you have any questions you can contact
All the best to you and your family, and welcome among us.
ANPA members