Sunday, 6 April 2008
ANPA library list as of11 april 08
Books, documents and magazines.
In alphabetical order divided by categorie.
The french translation of many of the books are also in the library listed under the same category but as the title changes will be in a different place than the VO.
Loans for 8 weeks on receipt of a deposit check for 30€ to the order of Charlotte Yonge or a 20€ check for a year’s ANPA membership (to the order of ANPA).
Birth and fertility.
Am I Allowed. AIMS
Birthing Your Baby, The Second Stage. AIMS
Césariennes : questions, effets, enjeux? Alerte face a la banalisation. Michel Odent.
Choosing a Home Birth. Pat Thomas. AIMS
Choosing a Waterbirth. Beverley Lawrence Beech. AIMS
DVDs : What Babies Want. A documentary by Debby Takikawa. Narrated by Noah Wyle. This timely film is about the profoundly important and sacred oppouirtunity we hbave in bringing children into the world. Surprisingly and sometimes shocking, it challenges our beliefs about what infants are thinking and doing. It includes ground-breaking information on early development as well as appearances by the ral experts; babiesand their families.
Entering the World. Michel Odent.
Genèse de l'homme ecologique. Michel Odent.
Gentle Birth Choices. (with DVD of natural home births)
Immaculate Deception 2. Myth, Magic & Birth. Suzanne Arms.
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. Ina May Gaskin.
Induction Do I Really Need It? AIMS.
L’Art de Vivre Sa Fertilité. Josef Rötzer.
La Fertilité de l'Homme et de la Femme et Ses Points de Repère. CLER (2cpies)
La Fertilité de l'Homme et de la Femme et Ses Points de Repère. CLER
Pour Une Naissance A Visage Humain. C. Didierjean.
Silent Knife. Nancy W. Cohen & Lois J
Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Toni Weschler. MPH.
The Art of Breathing. Féderick leboyer.
The Birth Book. Dr Sears M.D. & Martha Sears R.N.
The Scientification of Love. Michel Odent.
Ultrasound Unsound. Beverley Beech & Jean Robinson. AIMS
Un Autre Cesarien Non Merci. Hélène Vadeboncoeur. Estner.
Vitamin K and the Newborn. AIMS
Vivre sa grossese et son accouchement. Une naissance heureuse. Isabelle Brabant
Water Birth. A guide to Water birth. Oxford Medical Illustration. This program is an account of a woman's experience of labour and delivery in water? it also describes in detail the process of setting up such a facility within the hospital environment. It will serve equally well as a guide to both health professionals and women who are interested in exploring the concept of water immersion during labour and or delivery.
We are All Water Babies. Jessica Johnson & Michel Odent.
Witches, Midwives & Nurses. A History of Women Healers. Barbara Ehrenreich & Deirdre English.
Your Birth Rights. Pat Thomas. AIMS
Allaitement maternel et droit. Martine Herzog Evans.
Allaiter C’est Bon Pour La Santé. C. Didierjean. (2cpies)
Anthologie de L’allaitement Maternel. C. Didierjean. (préface de Michel Odent)
Breastfeeding Pure & Simple. LLLI
L’art de l’allaitement maternel. (2cpies 1991, 2 cpies 2005)
La Voie Lactée. C. Didierjean.
Les droits des mères. Grossesse et accouchement. Sophie Gamelin & Martine Herzog Evans.
Les droits des Mères. Les Premiers mois. Sophie Gamelin & Martine Herzog Evans.
Medication and Mother's Milk. Thomas Hale PHD. 2002 ed.
Milk, Money & Madness. The Culture and Politics of Breastfeeding. N. Baumslag M.D.MPH. & Dia L. Michels.
The Politics of Breastfeeding. Gabrielle Palmer. Ed IBFAN
The Womanly Art of Brestfeeding 6th Edition. (2cpies)
Nighttime Parenting.
Être Parent, le jour et la Nuit Aussi. Dr. Sears.
Good Nights. Dr Jay Gordon & Maria Goodavage.
Nighttime Parenting. Dr Sears. (3 cpies)
The Family Bed. Tine Thevenin.
The No Cry Sleep Solution. Elzabeth Pantley.
Three in a Bed. Deborah Jackson.
Attachment Parenting, contact, communication.
Attachment Parenting. Katie Granju & Betsy Kennedy.
Baby Signs. Linda Acredola.
Building Moral Intelligence. Michele Borba Ed. D. (Selected photocopying of the book.)
Diaper Free. Ingrid Bauer.
Dicipline with Love. Dr. Fitzhugh Dodson. (1970s)
Du Divorce À la Famille Recomposée. Christel Petitcolin.
Élever son enfant Autrement. Catherine Kramer.
How to Parent. Dr. Fitzhugh Dodson. (1974. )
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. (1) Faber & Mazlich.
Infant Massage. Vimala McClure.
Jalousies et Rivalités entre Fréres et soeurs. Faber et Mazlich.
La langue des signes. Tome 1 Histoire et grammaire. by Bille Moody. Ed IVT.
La Naissance du Sens. Boris Cyrulnik.
La Peau et La Toucher. Ashley Montagu.
Le concept du continuum. Jean Liedloff. À la recherche du bonheur perdu.
Les Enfants Actuels. Marie Françoise Neveu. Le grand défi "cerveau droit" dans un univers "cerveau gauche"
Les Nourritures Affectives. Boris Cyrulnik.
Liberated Parents, Leberated Children. Faber & Mazlich.
Parler pour que les Enfants Écoutent, Écouter pour que les Enfants Parlent. Faber& Mazlich. (aussi en vente a LLLPE pour 17€)
Porter Bébé. Claude Didierjean.
Pour Une Parentalité Sans Violence. C. Didierjean
Raising Your Spirited Child. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka.
Sans couches c'est la liberté. Ingrid Bauer. Ed l'instant Présent.
Siblings Without Rivalry. Faber & Mazlich.
Signe avec moi. Monica Companys
The Continuum Concept. Jean Liedloff.
The Human Animal. Desmond Morris.
Touching. The Human Significance of the Skin. Ashley Montagu.
Tout se joue Avant 6 ans. Fitzhugh Dodson.
Why Love Matters. Sue Gerhardt.
Learning at Home. Mary Layne. (Homeschooling)
The Old Schoolhouse. Summer 2004. (The Wild frontier)
What To Do When There’s Nothing To Do. Boston Children’s Medical Centre.
WW guide to Homeschooling 2003/2004. Brian D. Ray P.H.D.
WW guide to Homeschooling. 2004/2005. Brian D. Ray, PHD.
bio contact N° 141 Nov. 2004 (l’immunité naturel)
The Truth about vaccines. How we are used as Guinea Pigs without knowing it. Dr Richard Halvorsen.
Tuberculine & BCG Les deux Vérités. Bernard Guennebaud. Eds ALIS
Vaccinations Le Marché de l'Angoisse. Dr Gerhard Buchwald. Eds ALIS
Vaccinations Les Effets Indésirables. Michel Georget. Eds ALIS
Health nutrition and dairy free.
Cuisine Vegetarien. Petit Pratiques Hachette.
Extraordinary Pouvoirs des Cérérales. Catherine Chabiron.
Feeding the Whole Family. LLLI
Intelligent Medicine. Ronald L Hoffman. M.D.
La Beauté Par Les Plantes. B. Hlava, F. Pospisil & F. Stary.
La Vérité sur les oméga-3. Dr Jean-Marie Bourre.
Lait de Vache, Blancheur Trompeuse. Anne Laroche Walter.(2cpies)
Lait, Monsonges et Propagande. Thierry Souccar.
Le Chlorure de Magnésium. Marie-France Muller. Ed Jouvence.
Le régime IG minceur. Thierry Souccar
L'essentiel sur Les Huiles Essentielles. Dr Ph. Bego. (2cpies)
Mille et Une Recettes. LLLI
My Child Wont Eat. Dr Carlos Gonzales.
Phytotherapie. Dr Jean Valnet.
Quand le corps dit non. Dr. Gabor Maté.
Saveurs et Virtues de la Spiruline. Belda Sisso.
Soyons Moins Lait. Ncolas Le Berre.
The Baby Book. Dr Sears.
Votre Alimentation. Dr. Kousmine. (no info on dairy but good sound info otherwise)
When the Body Says No. Dr. Gabor Maté.
Whole Foods From the Whole World. LLLI.
Psychology and Parenting by culture.
Au Coeur des Émotions de l’enfant. Isabelle Filliozat
Dont Shoot the Dog. Karen Pryor.
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. Richard Carlson. PHD
La Clef. G. Gassette & G. Barbarin.
La Soufffrence Muette de l'Enfant. Ailice Miller
Le Cri Primal. Dr. Arthur Janov.
Le Harcèlement Moral. Marie France Hirigoyen.
Les Hommes viennent de Mars, Les Femmes viennent de Vénus. John Gray.
Les Regles. Fein & Schneider. (Si tout les relations commencaient ainsi, le soutien ne serai pas une question!)
Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus. John Gray. (understanding our differences to better understand ourselves)
Raising Confident Boys. Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer. (needs approval)
Sequencing. Arlène Cardoza. (working mother choices)
The Drama of Being a Child. Alice Miller.
The Road Less Travelled. M. Scott Peck.
The Rules. Fein & Schneider. (if your relationship started this way, support shouldn’t be a problem!)
The Ultimate Secret to getting Absolutely Everything you Want. M. Hernaki
Trapped In The Mirror. Elan Golomb. (Perverse Narcissism & their victims)
Vivent Les Bébés. Ce que savent les petits d’homme. Dominique Simonnet.
Why Men don't Listen & Women can't Read Maps. A & B Pease.
Children’s books and general interest.
Ainsi Soit-Elle. Benoît Groult.
Bébé yogi. Sophie Dumoutet. Comprendre, favoiriser, apprendre la gestuelle du bb.
Déesse-mère. Création fertilité et abondance, Mythies archétypes féminins de Shahrukh Husain.
Entretien avec mon évier. Marla Cilley. Translated from English by Stephaine Bordaille Lorin membre ANPA.
Fingerprints of the Gods. Graham Hancock. (historical, not religious)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. J.K. Rowling.
Historical Atlas of the Jewish People. Eli Barnavi. (historical, not religious)
Krishnamurti. La première et Derniére Liberté.
La Prophecie des Andes. James Redfield.
L'alchemiste. Paolo Cohelo.
Le Lait du Père. Roberto Lionetti.
Le Petit Prince. Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Le Reiki. Sandi Leir- Shuffrey.
Les Lampes en Cristal de Sel. J.P. Jaquemet.
L'Homme qui Devient Dieu. Gerald Massadié. (historical, not religious)
Minérales do Brazil. Catalogue (avec vertues par pierre).
Mutant Message Down Under. Marlo Morgan.
My Heart Soars. Chief Dan George.
Stalking the Wild Pendulum. Itzhak Benthov. (physics)
The Book. Alan Watts. (physics)
The Chalice & The Blade. Riane Eisler. Our history, our future.(2cpies)
The DaVinci Code. Dan Brown.
The Man Who Listens to Horses. Monty Roberts. (Biography. Attachment Horsemanship)
The Spectrum of Consciousness. Ken Wilber. (physics)
The Tao of Physics. Fritjof Capra. (Physics&spirituality)
Transformez Votre Vie. Louise L. Hay. (she cured herself from cancer)
Vivez dans la Lumière. Shatki Gawain.
When God was a Woman. Merlin Stone. The landmark exploration of the ancient worship of the great Goddess and the eventual suppression of women's rites.
Women Who Run With the Wolves. Clarissa Pinkola Estés.
Mothering magazines and a few New Beginnings. (LLLi)
Mothering Magazines.
(Winner of the "Public Services Award" for Vaccine Coverage)
Mothering magazine N° 114 Sept / Oct 2002 Co sleeping Top Scientists speak out. (2cpies)
Mothering magazine N° 115 Nov/Dec 2002. Vaccines and Autism. Help for Tantrums. No More Standardised Tests. Breastfeeding a Toddler. Second Generation Homebirth. Imaginative Play.
Mothering magazine N°116 jan/feb. 2003. StrawBale school. Cloth diapers Good for your baby and the Earth. Prenatal Yoga. World Music for the whole family. A single Father's story. The Parent's Bill of Rights.
Mothering magazine N° 117 March/April 2003. Vitamin D and Breastfeeding. Natural Birth Control. Winter Homeschool Camp. Homebirth Under Fire. Children and the environment. Kids's poetry books.
Mothering magazine N° 118 May/June 2003; Kids are what they eat, ADHD and diet, Maternal Mortality on the Rise, Keep Talking to your Teens, Toddler Slumber Party, Tandem Nursing, Family Meetings, Montessori.
Mothering magazine N° 120 Sept/Oct 2003; Good Food In Schools Organic Lunches, Vaccines & Travel, What You Don't Know About Prenatal Tests, How Motherhoood Imporves Your Sex Life, 3 Generations Under 1 Roof.
Mothering magazine N° 121 Nov/December 2003; No More Junk Food, Strep B are antibiotics Necessary? How Vouchers Hurt Education, Sparking a Teen's Soul, The Cesarean Epidemic, Life in a Blended Family.
Mothering magazine N° 122 Jan/Feb 2004. Why Breast is still Best, Environmental Contaminants and Your Milk. Chicken Pox Party. Hold your Crying BB. How to ask for PostPartum Help. Knitting for the Whole Family. Divorce Results.
Mothering magazine N° 123 March/April 2004. Facts say you need to say NO!to a Cesarean. Why is Waldorf the World's largest private school movement? Learn to Love your Mama Body. A deaf mother's story. A chorus of All Ages, Families who sing together.
Mothering magazine N° 124 May / June 2004 (2cpies) Children as Spiritual Teachers, Photo Essay Mothers and Children of Baghdad, Desperate Solution for Severe Morning Sickness, Soy Surprise; Too Much of a Good Thing May Harm You & Your Family.
Mothering magazine N° 125 July / August 2004.(2cpies) Keep Murcury out of Flu Vaccines, Help you Toddler Communicate with Sign Language, Making Music with Children, Ina May Gaskin on Why we Need Vaginal Breech Births. (3 cpies)
Mothering magazine N° 126 Sept / Oct 2004 Autisism & vaccine injuries, one child's recovery. Is Homeschooling Best for Your Child?Barbara Loe Fisher on the rise in chronic desease. Why Kids love secret Hideouts. (3cpies)
Mothering magazine N° 127 Nov/Dec 2004; How to help Kids be Media Savvy, Turtle Women American Indian Doulas, You Can BF after Breast Surgery, Classic Toys Review of Favourites.
Mothering magazine N° 128 Jan/Feb 2005. How You Can Bring Your BB to Work. Breastfeeding and the Law. How Herbs and Homeopathy Help Fight The Flu. Help your Peace-loving Child Avoid the Draft.
Mothering magazine N° 129 March/April 2005. Nursing Twins with just one breast. One Room Schoolhouse Why mixed age classrooms really work. Selling Sugar to kids, Do soda companies Corrupt our children? How one mom stays upbeat with her down syndrome child.
Mothering magazine N° 130 May/June 2005. Speak Up for Natural Birth, Great Teeth, How to Nurture a Nature Lover, Best Solutions for Excema,
Mothering magazine N° 131 July/Aug 2005. Why Millions of Children Love Homeschool. Nature at its best;the amazing Placenta. Summer greens: Tasty recipes for the whole family.
Mothering magazine N° Nov/Dec2005; Best New Toys of 2005, The Untold Risks of Epidurals, How Fresh Foods are Changing the US Schools, They Many Medicinal Uses of Mother's Milk.
Mothering magazine Jan/Feb. 2006 Special Autism Edition. New Hope for kids with Autism. How one Dad learned to love Fairies. Easy Dairy-free & Wheat-free recipes.
Mothering magazine N° March/April 2006; How to find Bath Products you can Trust, Massachusetts bans Hospital Formula Samples, Why Holding Preemies Helps Them Thrive, Great Lunches To Make With Your Toddler.
Mothering magazine May/June 2006; BF in public with Confidence, Leave the car seat in the car, New Mexico; leading the US in midwifery, Fresh Vegetarian tips for your family, Celebrate 30 yrs of Mothering!
Mothering magazine N° 137 July/August 2006; Why we need a breastfeeding culture, Lunch-box recipes & gear, Vacation with kids, Teen belly piercing ; What mothers should know.
Mothering magazine N° 138. Sept/Oct 2006. 10 Power foods for the mother to be, New baby shower ideas, Cloth diapers; Easier than you think, Breastfeeding, 10 tips for success.
Mothering magazine N° 139. Nov/Dec 2006. Kids and toy guns, Our best family recipes, How to include siblings at birth, Holiday gifts your kids will love.
Mothering magazine N° 140 Jan/feb 2007. How to wear your baby, A dad learns to love homebirth, Break free of guilt, Warm up with savoury soups.
Mothering magazine N° 141 march/april 2007. Bring back recess: why kids need to play. How to beat breast infections. Keep your home clean and green. Teens who change the world. Wheat free ideas for breakfast.
Mothering magazine N° 142 May/June 2007. HPV Vaccine for your daughter? Victory over post partum psychosis. Culinary adventures for toddlers. A tribute to American dads.
Mothering magazine N° 143
Mothering magazine N° 144 Sept/Oct 2007. Our pregnancy edition. Cesarians, why so many? What Holland can teach us about birth. 8 reasons to nurse your toddler. Mama was a midwife.
Mothering magazine N° 145 November/December 2007. Best natural toys of 2007. OUr guide to nontoxic plastics. Should your kids eat fish? Dare to birth your way. Breastfeed during emergencies.
Mothering magazine N° 146 jan/feb. 2008. Ricki Lake's new film : The business of being born. Dr Bob Sears: Get aluminum ou of vaccines! Herbs for a healthy pregnancy. When are kis ready for politics?
New Beginnings n°3 may/ June 2004 : When the Blues arrive with BB, Setting limits on Nighttime Nursing, Boosting Fertility While B.feeding.
New Beginnings n° 4 July/ Aug 2004 : Sunlight and vitamin D, Back to work with BB, Managing debt.
New beginnings n° 5 Sept/Oct 2004. Human Milk Still the Best Choice. B.F. In Public. Witnessing Birth of a sibling.
New Beginnings Nov/Dec 2004 N° 6. The Benefits of Baby Wearing. Healthy Daily Routines. Daredevil Toddlers.
New Beginnings January/February 2005. Volume 22 N° 1. New Thoughts on an Ancient Art. Tips for Pumping at Work. Custom Made Meals. (2cpies)
New Beginnings March/April 2005. Anatomy of a Working Breast. Good Enough Dads. The Road to Healthy Eating.
Grandir Autrement and the one Césarine magazine published.
Césarine Revue : Voix hautes, voix basses. Hors série. Oct 2006.
Grandir Autrement. N° 1 sept 2006. Couches lavables, Chaussures et chaussons souples, La place du père durant la grossesse, Bébés signeurs, Naitre en Écosse, Commerce Équitable.
Grandir Autrement. N° 2 nov. dec. 2006. Noël magique, éthique. La naissance sous la plume d'une sage femme, Augmentons le congé maternité, Ca bouge in Isère, Les familles sans voitures.
Grandir Autrement. N° 2 Jan, fev. 2007 Dossier Vacances hors sentiers
battus, Une doula à ses cotés pour vivre uen grossesse sereine,
Grandir avec plusieurs langues, Une maison de naissance en Belgique, L'allaitement du bambin, Recettes a base de chou.
Grandir Autrement. Hors Serie N° 1 fev. 2007: l'Education Sans Violence.
Grandir Autrement. N° 4 mars/avril. 2007. La dépression du post-partum. L'hygène naturelle ou comment se passer des couches. Sur le chiemin de l'eco-citoyenneté. Un réflexe d'ejection trop fort. Les légumes oubliés.
Grandir Autrement. N° 5
Grandir Autrement. N° 6 Un monde a leur portée. Accoucher dans l'eau. Pas à pas avec un porte-bébé laotien. Exprimer/tirer son liat. Pique nique : Qu'emporter? Dossier : Les écoles différents.
Grandir Autrement. N° 7Déménager avec ses enfants. L'épisiotomie. Parents actifs avec un bébé. Éco-rentrée. Dossier : Famille et conso.
Grandir Autrement. N° 2 Hors Serie. Naitre chez soi.
Grandir Autrement. N° 8 Le maternage et le couple. Notre sélection d'idées de cadeaux. Éviter le déclenchement inutile. Kes noix de lavage. Reprendre un allaitement interrompu.
Grandir Autrement. N° 9 Vaccination: peser les risques/bénéfices. Réduire sa facture d'électricité. Se préparer en couple à la naisance et à la parentalité. Soutenir les adolescents. Vivre en yourte.
A Biological Approach to Breastfeeding.
Catalogue Ecofamille. Jan 2005.
Catalogue Le Monde de Bébé. March 2000.
Homeschooling Achievement. 2001. (2 copies)
Homeschooling Grows up. 2003. (2 copies.)
Leaflet Medela breastfeeding information guide.
NAMTA North American Montessori Teachers Association Journal. The first 3 years of life. Winter 2002. N.B: Although the Montessori method is an interesting alternative child education method, the ANPA does not support the uninformed, misleading commercial views on baby wearing, natural weaning and natural hygene (not taken into account) that the Montessori approach hold. (see pg 45 & 55 and on)
Sparadrap. Assoc pour les droits des parents des enfants hospitalisés.
The Milk Doc. Dr. Kradjian.
The Natural Child Project.
Updated 11 April 2008.
Books, documents and magazines.
In alphabetical order divided by categorie.
The french translation of many of the books are also in the library listed under the same category but as the title changes will be in a different place than the VO.
Loans for 8 weeks on receipt of a deposit check for 30€ to the order of Charlotte Yonge or a 20€ check for a year’s ANPA membership (to the order of ANPA).
Birth and fertility.
Am I Allowed. AIMS
Birthing Your Baby, The Second Stage. AIMS
Césariennes : questions, effets, enjeux? Alerte face a la banalisation. Michel Odent.
Choosing a Home Birth. Pat Thomas. AIMS
Choosing a Waterbirth. Beverley Lawrence Beech. AIMS
DVDs : What Babies Want. A documentary by Debby Takikawa. Narrated by Noah Wyle. This timely film is about the profoundly important and sacred oppouirtunity we hbave in bringing children into the world. Surprisingly and sometimes shocking, it challenges our beliefs about what infants are thinking and doing. It includes ground-breaking information on early development as well as appearances by the ral experts; babiesand their families.
Entering the World. Michel Odent.
Genèse de l'homme ecologique. Michel Odent.
Gentle Birth Choices. (with DVD of natural home births)
Immaculate Deception 2. Myth, Magic & Birth. Suzanne Arms.
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. Ina May Gaskin.
Induction Do I Really Need It? AIMS.
L’Art de Vivre Sa Fertilité. Josef Rötzer.
La Fertilité de l'Homme et de la Femme et Ses Points de Repère. CLER (2cpies)
La Fertilité de l'Homme et de la Femme et Ses Points de Repère. CLER
Pour Une Naissance A Visage Humain. C. Didierjean.
Silent Knife. Nancy W. Cohen & Lois J
Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Toni Weschler. MPH.
The Art of Breathing. Féderick leboyer.
The Birth Book. Dr Sears M.D. & Martha Sears R.N.
The Scientification of Love. Michel Odent.
Ultrasound Unsound. Beverley Beech & Jean Robinson. AIMS
Un Autre Cesarien Non Merci. Hélène Vadeboncoeur. Estner.
Vitamin K and the Newborn. AIMS
Vivre sa grossese et son accouchement. Une naissance heureuse. Isabelle Brabant
Water Birth. A guide to Water birth. Oxford Medical Illustration. This program is an account of a woman's experience of labour and delivery in water? it also describes in detail the process of setting up such a facility within the hospital environment. It will serve equally well as a guide to both health professionals and women who are interested in exploring the concept of water immersion during labour and or delivery.
We are All Water Babies. Jessica Johnson & Michel Odent.
Witches, Midwives & Nurses. A History of Women Healers. Barbara Ehrenreich & Deirdre English.
Your Birth Rights. Pat Thomas. AIMS
Allaitement maternel et droit. Martine Herzog Evans.
Allaiter C’est Bon Pour La Santé. C. Didierjean. (2cpies)
Anthologie de L’allaitement Maternel. C. Didierjean. (préface de Michel Odent)
Breastfeeding Pure & Simple. LLLI
L’art de l’allaitement maternel. (2cpies 1991, 2 cpies 2005)
La Voie Lactée. C. Didierjean.
Les droits des mères. Grossesse et accouchement. Sophie Gamelin & Martine Herzog Evans.
Les droits des Mères. Les Premiers mois. Sophie Gamelin & Martine Herzog Evans.
Medication and Mother's Milk. Thomas Hale PHD. 2002 ed.
Milk, Money & Madness. The Culture and Politics of Breastfeeding. N. Baumslag M.D.MPH. & Dia L. Michels.
The Politics of Breastfeeding. Gabrielle Palmer. Ed IBFAN
The Womanly Art of Brestfeeding 6th Edition. (2cpies)
Nighttime Parenting.
Être Parent, le jour et la Nuit Aussi. Dr. Sears.
Good Nights. Dr Jay Gordon & Maria Goodavage.
Nighttime Parenting. Dr Sears. (3 cpies)
The Family Bed. Tine Thevenin.
The No Cry Sleep Solution. Elzabeth Pantley.
Three in a Bed. Deborah Jackson.
Attachment Parenting, contact, communication.
Attachment Parenting. Katie Granju & Betsy Kennedy.
Baby Signs. Linda Acredola.
Building Moral Intelligence. Michele Borba Ed. D. (Selected photocopying of the book.)
Diaper Free. Ingrid Bauer.
Dicipline with Love. Dr. Fitzhugh Dodson. (1970s)
Du Divorce À la Famille Recomposée. Christel Petitcolin.
Élever son enfant Autrement. Catherine Kramer.
How to Parent. Dr. Fitzhugh Dodson. (1974. )
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. (1) Faber & Mazlich.
Infant Massage. Vimala McClure.
Jalousies et Rivalités entre Fréres et soeurs. Faber et Mazlich.
La langue des signes. Tome 1 Histoire et grammaire. by Bille Moody. Ed IVT.
La Naissance du Sens. Boris Cyrulnik.
La Peau et La Toucher. Ashley Montagu.
Le concept du continuum. Jean Liedloff. À la recherche du bonheur perdu.
Les Enfants Actuels. Marie Françoise Neveu. Le grand défi "cerveau droit" dans un univers "cerveau gauche"
Les Nourritures Affectives. Boris Cyrulnik.
Liberated Parents, Leberated Children. Faber & Mazlich.
Parler pour que les Enfants Écoutent, Écouter pour que les Enfants Parlent. Faber& Mazlich. (aussi en vente a LLLPE pour 17€)
Porter Bébé. Claude Didierjean.
Pour Une Parentalité Sans Violence. C. Didierjean
Raising Your Spirited Child. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka.
Sans couches c'est la liberté. Ingrid Bauer. Ed l'instant Présent.
Siblings Without Rivalry. Faber & Mazlich.
Signe avec moi. Monica Companys
The Continuum Concept. Jean Liedloff.
The Human Animal. Desmond Morris.
Touching. The Human Significance of the Skin. Ashley Montagu.
Tout se joue Avant 6 ans. Fitzhugh Dodson.
Why Love Matters. Sue Gerhardt.
Learning at Home. Mary Layne. (Homeschooling)
The Old Schoolhouse. Summer 2004. (The Wild frontier)
What To Do When There’s Nothing To Do. Boston Children’s Medical Centre.
WW guide to Homeschooling 2003/2004. Brian D. Ray P.H.D.
WW guide to Homeschooling. 2004/2005. Brian D. Ray, PHD.
bio contact N° 141 Nov. 2004 (l’immunité naturel)
The Truth about vaccines. How we are used as Guinea Pigs without knowing it. Dr Richard Halvorsen.
Tuberculine & BCG Les deux Vérités. Bernard Guennebaud. Eds ALIS
Vaccinations Le Marché de l'Angoisse. Dr Gerhard Buchwald. Eds ALIS
Vaccinations Les Effets Indésirables. Michel Georget. Eds ALIS
Health nutrition and dairy free.
Cuisine Vegetarien. Petit Pratiques Hachette.
Extraordinary Pouvoirs des Cérérales. Catherine Chabiron.
Feeding the Whole Family. LLLI
Intelligent Medicine. Ronald L Hoffman. M.D.
La Beauté Par Les Plantes. B. Hlava, F. Pospisil & F. Stary.
La Vérité sur les oméga-3. Dr Jean-Marie Bourre.
Lait de Vache, Blancheur Trompeuse. Anne Laroche Walter.(2cpies)
Lait, Monsonges et Propagande. Thierry Souccar.
Le Chlorure de Magnésium. Marie-France Muller. Ed Jouvence.
Le régime IG minceur. Thierry Souccar
L'essentiel sur Les Huiles Essentielles. Dr Ph. Bego. (2cpies)
Mille et Une Recettes. LLLI
My Child Wont Eat. Dr Carlos Gonzales.
Phytotherapie. Dr Jean Valnet.
Quand le corps dit non. Dr. Gabor Maté.
Saveurs et Virtues de la Spiruline. Belda Sisso.
Soyons Moins Lait. Ncolas Le Berre.
The Baby Book. Dr Sears.
Votre Alimentation. Dr. Kousmine. (no info on dairy but good sound info otherwise)
When the Body Says No. Dr. Gabor Maté.
Whole Foods From the Whole World. LLLI.
Psychology and Parenting by culture.
Au Coeur des Émotions de l’enfant. Isabelle Filliozat
Dont Shoot the Dog. Karen Pryor.
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. Richard Carlson. PHD
La Clef. G. Gassette & G. Barbarin.
La Soufffrence Muette de l'Enfant. Ailice Miller
Le Cri Primal. Dr. Arthur Janov.
Le Harcèlement Moral. Marie France Hirigoyen.
Les Hommes viennent de Mars, Les Femmes viennent de Vénus. John Gray.
Les Regles. Fein & Schneider. (Si tout les relations commencaient ainsi, le soutien ne serai pas une question!)
Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus. John Gray. (understanding our differences to better understand ourselves)
Raising Confident Boys. Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer. (needs approval)
Sequencing. Arlène Cardoza. (working mother choices)
The Drama of Being a Child. Alice Miller.
The Road Less Travelled. M. Scott Peck.
The Rules. Fein & Schneider. (if your relationship started this way, support shouldn’t be a problem!)
The Ultimate Secret to getting Absolutely Everything you Want. M. Hernaki
Trapped In The Mirror. Elan Golomb. (Perverse Narcissism & their victims)
Vivent Les Bébés. Ce que savent les petits d’homme. Dominique Simonnet.
Why Men don't Listen & Women can't Read Maps. A & B Pease.
Children’s books and general interest.
Ainsi Soit-Elle. Benoît Groult.
Bébé yogi. Sophie Dumoutet. Comprendre, favoiriser, apprendre la gestuelle du bb.
Déesse-mère. Création fertilité et abondance, Mythies archétypes féminins de Shahrukh Husain.
Entretien avec mon évier. Marla Cilley. Translated from English by Stephaine Bordaille Lorin membre ANPA.
Fingerprints of the Gods. Graham Hancock. (historical, not religious)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. J.K. Rowling.
Historical Atlas of the Jewish People. Eli Barnavi. (historical, not religious)
Krishnamurti. La première et Derniére Liberté.
La Prophecie des Andes. James Redfield.
L'alchemiste. Paolo Cohelo.
Le Lait du Père. Roberto Lionetti.
Le Petit Prince. Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Le Reiki. Sandi Leir- Shuffrey.
Les Lampes en Cristal de Sel. J.P. Jaquemet.
L'Homme qui Devient Dieu. Gerald Massadié. (historical, not religious)
Minérales do Brazil. Catalogue (avec vertues par pierre).
Mutant Message Down Under. Marlo Morgan.
My Heart Soars. Chief Dan George.
Stalking the Wild Pendulum. Itzhak Benthov. (physics)
The Book. Alan Watts. (physics)
The Chalice & The Blade. Riane Eisler. Our history, our future.(2cpies)
The DaVinci Code. Dan Brown.
The Man Who Listens to Horses. Monty Roberts. (Biography. Attachment Horsemanship)
The Spectrum of Consciousness. Ken Wilber. (physics)
The Tao of Physics. Fritjof Capra. (Physics&spirituality)
Transformez Votre Vie. Louise L. Hay. (she cured herself from cancer)
Vivez dans la Lumière. Shatki Gawain.
When God was a Woman. Merlin Stone. The landmark exploration of the ancient worship of the great Goddess and the eventual suppression of women's rites.
Women Who Run With the Wolves. Clarissa Pinkola Estés.
Mothering magazines and a few New Beginnings. (LLLi)
Mothering Magazines.
(Winner of the "Public Services Award" for Vaccine Coverage)
Mothering magazine N° 114 Sept / Oct 2002 Co sleeping Top Scientists speak out. (2cpies)
Mothering magazine N° 115 Nov/Dec 2002. Vaccines and Autism. Help for Tantrums. No More Standardised Tests. Breastfeeding a Toddler. Second Generation Homebirth. Imaginative Play.
Mothering magazine N°116 jan/feb. 2003. StrawBale school. Cloth diapers Good for your baby and the Earth. Prenatal Yoga. World Music for the whole family. A single Father's story. The Parent's Bill of Rights.
Mothering magazine N° 117 March/April 2003. Vitamin D and Breastfeeding. Natural Birth Control. Winter Homeschool Camp. Homebirth Under Fire. Children and the environment. Kids's poetry books.
Mothering magazine N° 118 May/June 2003; Kids are what they eat, ADHD and diet, Maternal Mortality on the Rise, Keep Talking to your Teens, Toddler Slumber Party, Tandem Nursing, Family Meetings, Montessori.
Mothering magazine N° 120 Sept/Oct 2003; Good Food In Schools Organic Lunches, Vaccines & Travel, What You Don't Know About Prenatal Tests, How Motherhoood Imporves Your Sex Life, 3 Generations Under 1 Roof.
Mothering magazine N° 121 Nov/December 2003; No More Junk Food, Strep B are antibiotics Necessary? How Vouchers Hurt Education, Sparking a Teen's Soul, The Cesarean Epidemic, Life in a Blended Family.
Mothering magazine N° 122 Jan/Feb 2004. Why Breast is still Best, Environmental Contaminants and Your Milk. Chicken Pox Party. Hold your Crying BB. How to ask for PostPartum Help. Knitting for the Whole Family. Divorce Results.
Mothering magazine N° 123 March/April 2004. Facts say you need to say NO!to a Cesarean. Why is Waldorf the World's largest private school movement? Learn to Love your Mama Body. A deaf mother's story. A chorus of All Ages, Families who sing together.
Mothering magazine N° 124 May / June 2004 (2cpies) Children as Spiritual Teachers, Photo Essay Mothers and Children of Baghdad, Desperate Solution for Severe Morning Sickness, Soy Surprise; Too Much of a Good Thing May Harm You & Your Family.
Mothering magazine N° 125 July / August 2004.(2cpies) Keep Murcury out of Flu Vaccines, Help you Toddler Communicate with Sign Language, Making Music with Children, Ina May Gaskin on Why we Need Vaginal Breech Births. (3 cpies)
Mothering magazine N° 126 Sept / Oct 2004 Autisism & vaccine injuries, one child's recovery. Is Homeschooling Best for Your Child?Barbara Loe Fisher on the rise in chronic desease. Why Kids love secret Hideouts. (3cpies)
Mothering magazine N° 127 Nov/Dec 2004; How to help Kids be Media Savvy, Turtle Women American Indian Doulas, You Can BF after Breast Surgery, Classic Toys Review of Favourites.
Mothering magazine N° 128 Jan/Feb 2005. How You Can Bring Your BB to Work. Breastfeeding and the Law. How Herbs and Homeopathy Help Fight The Flu. Help your Peace-loving Child Avoid the Draft.
Mothering magazine N° 129 March/April 2005. Nursing Twins with just one breast. One Room Schoolhouse Why mixed age classrooms really work. Selling Sugar to kids, Do soda companies Corrupt our children? How one mom stays upbeat with her down syndrome child.
Mothering magazine N° 130 May/June 2005. Speak Up for Natural Birth, Great Teeth, How to Nurture a Nature Lover, Best Solutions for Excema,
Mothering magazine N° 131 July/Aug 2005. Why Millions of Children Love Homeschool. Nature at its best;the amazing Placenta. Summer greens: Tasty recipes for the whole family.
Mothering magazine N° Nov/Dec2005; Best New Toys of 2005, The Untold Risks of Epidurals, How Fresh Foods are Changing the US Schools, They Many Medicinal Uses of Mother's Milk.
Mothering magazine Jan/Feb. 2006 Special Autism Edition. New Hope for kids with Autism. How one Dad learned to love Fairies. Easy Dairy-free & Wheat-free recipes.
Mothering magazine N° March/April 2006; How to find Bath Products you can Trust, Massachusetts bans Hospital Formula Samples, Why Holding Preemies Helps Them Thrive, Great Lunches To Make With Your Toddler.
Mothering magazine May/June 2006; BF in public with Confidence, Leave the car seat in the car, New Mexico; leading the US in midwifery, Fresh Vegetarian tips for your family, Celebrate 30 yrs of Mothering!
Mothering magazine N° 137 July/August 2006; Why we need a breastfeeding culture, Lunch-box recipes & gear, Vacation with kids, Teen belly piercing ; What mothers should know.
Mothering magazine N° 138. Sept/Oct 2006. 10 Power foods for the mother to be, New baby shower ideas, Cloth diapers; Easier than you think, Breastfeeding, 10 tips for success.
Mothering magazine N° 139. Nov/Dec 2006. Kids and toy guns, Our best family recipes, How to include siblings at birth, Holiday gifts your kids will love.
Mothering magazine N° 140 Jan/feb 2007. How to wear your baby, A dad learns to love homebirth, Break free of guilt, Warm up with savoury soups.
Mothering magazine N° 141 march/april 2007. Bring back recess: why kids need to play. How to beat breast infections. Keep your home clean and green. Teens who change the world. Wheat free ideas for breakfast.
Mothering magazine N° 142 May/June 2007. HPV Vaccine for your daughter? Victory over post partum psychosis. Culinary adventures for toddlers. A tribute to American dads.
Mothering magazine N° 143
Mothering magazine N° 144 Sept/Oct 2007. Our pregnancy edition. Cesarians, why so many? What Holland can teach us about birth. 8 reasons to nurse your toddler. Mama was a midwife.
Mothering magazine N° 145 November/December 2007. Best natural toys of 2007. OUr guide to nontoxic plastics. Should your kids eat fish? Dare to birth your way. Breastfeed during emergencies.
Mothering magazine N° 146 jan/feb. 2008. Ricki Lake's new film : The business of being born. Dr Bob Sears: Get aluminum ou of vaccines! Herbs for a healthy pregnancy. When are kis ready for politics?
New Beginnings n°3 may/ June 2004 : When the Blues arrive with BB, Setting limits on Nighttime Nursing, Boosting Fertility While B.feeding.
New Beginnings n° 4 July/ Aug 2004 : Sunlight and vitamin D, Back to work with BB, Managing debt.
New beginnings n° 5 Sept/Oct 2004. Human Milk Still the Best Choice. B.F. In Public. Witnessing Birth of a sibling.
New Beginnings Nov/Dec 2004 N° 6. The Benefits of Baby Wearing. Healthy Daily Routines. Daredevil Toddlers.
New Beginnings January/February 2005. Volume 22 N° 1. New Thoughts on an Ancient Art. Tips for Pumping at Work. Custom Made Meals. (2cpies)
New Beginnings March/April 2005. Anatomy of a Working Breast. Good Enough Dads. The Road to Healthy Eating.
Grandir Autrement and the one Césarine magazine published.
Césarine Revue : Voix hautes, voix basses. Hors série. Oct 2006.
Grandir Autrement. N° 1 sept 2006. Couches lavables, Chaussures et chaussons souples, La place du père durant la grossesse, Bébés signeurs, Naitre en Écosse, Commerce Équitable.
Grandir Autrement. N° 2 nov. dec. 2006. Noël magique, éthique. La naissance sous la plume d'une sage femme, Augmentons le congé maternité, Ca bouge in Isère, Les familles sans voitures.
Grandir Autrement. N° 2 Jan, fev. 2007 Dossier Vacances hors sentiers
battus, Une doula à ses cotés pour vivre uen grossesse sereine,
Grandir avec plusieurs langues, Une maison de naissance en Belgique, L'allaitement du bambin, Recettes a base de chou.
Grandir Autrement. Hors Serie N° 1 fev. 2007: l'Education Sans Violence.
Grandir Autrement. N° 4 mars/avril. 2007. La dépression du post-partum. L'hygène naturelle ou comment se passer des couches. Sur le chiemin de l'eco-citoyenneté. Un réflexe d'ejection trop fort. Les légumes oubliés.
Grandir Autrement. N° 5
Grandir Autrement. N° 6 Un monde a leur portée. Accoucher dans l'eau. Pas à pas avec un porte-bébé laotien. Exprimer/tirer son liat. Pique nique : Qu'emporter? Dossier : Les écoles différents.
Grandir Autrement. N° 7Déménager avec ses enfants. L'épisiotomie. Parents actifs avec un bébé. Éco-rentrée. Dossier : Famille et conso.
Grandir Autrement. N° 2 Hors Serie. Naitre chez soi.
Grandir Autrement. N° 8 Le maternage et le couple. Notre sélection d'idées de cadeaux. Éviter le déclenchement inutile. Kes noix de lavage. Reprendre un allaitement interrompu.
Grandir Autrement. N° 9 Vaccination: peser les risques/bénéfices. Réduire sa facture d'électricité. Se préparer en couple à la naisance et à la parentalité. Soutenir les adolescents. Vivre en yourte.
A Biological Approach to Breastfeeding.
Catalogue Ecofamille. Jan 2005.
Catalogue Le Monde de Bébé. March 2000.
Homeschooling Achievement. 2001. (2 copies)
Homeschooling Grows up. 2003. (2 copies.)
Leaflet Medela breastfeeding information guide.
NAMTA North American Montessori Teachers Association Journal. The first 3 years of life. Winter 2002. N.B: Although the Montessori method is an interesting alternative child education method, the ANPA does not support the uninformed, misleading commercial views on baby wearing, natural weaning and natural hygene (not taken into account) that the Montessori approach hold. (see pg 45 & 55 and on)
Sparadrap. Assoc pour les droits des parents des enfants hospitalisés.
The Milk Doc. Dr. Kradjian.
The Natural Child Project.
Updated 11 April 2008.
Welcome to the anglophone natural parenting community in France
Beyond Breastfeeding.
The ANPA was created in response to a growing demand for an alternative to parenting organisations and “experts” that encourage artificial feeding, artificial nipples, parent-child separation, vaccines and letting babies cry it out alone, commonly know as “sleep training” and other common trends in parenting practices. We have a forum that is for discerning parents. It is for parents whose babies and children’s and consequentially the family’s well being is priority. The parents on our forum believe that being in contact with like-minded parents is part of the network that promotes conscious, educated parenting.
Our parenting choices are based on the golden standard of real milk, the human kind, and our support extends to parents who share the same standards and want to go beyond. We welcome breastfeeding mothers or mothers who have breastfed until their children wean from the the breast naturally. We believe that offering our breasts as sexual objects is a personal choice, and every woman's right. (not to mention fun) but that feeding babies with breasts is not a question of choice, but of making a stand against the power of marketing over ignorance and isolation. If you think you "can't" breastfeed or "couldn't" please see or any qualified IBCLC or an LLL leader.
This website offers a very small selection of documents and testimonies that are available on the forum PLUS a photo gallerie offering a glimpse into our lives as active parents, free, independant of bottles, (except the champagne kind of course) push chairs, cots, painful front packs and lots more of the expensive equipment that we used to think we needed to be happy parents.
Lots of us have had serious breastfeeding problems, so some of us have a lot of experience with the breast pump kind of equipment, that sometimes is necessary to save a compromised breastfeeding process. (its a bit of a paradox, but we consider the breast pump equipment an investment towards future freedom)
On the forum you will find more documents, and testimonies that can be useful to many stages of parenting, from pregnancy and giving birth to child education.
In our forum you will find real support, with attachment parents, backed by research based information. We know we are definitely the minority in our parenting standards. We know that our parenting choices can trigger guilty feelings, hostility or even aggression from parents, organisations or “experts” that don’t have the same values or education so we recognise that support in our choices is vital to our strength and well being as individual parents and families.
Although there are no rules to natural parenting, there are concepts that we all agree on that are mentioned in the ANPA charter.
To be sure the ANPA is for you, you may ask for a downloadable copy of the charter/quesionnaire. If you do agree with our basic philosophie, please fill it in and send it to
The 25€ annual membership is payable by cheque or paypal. A year's membership, gives you access to the forum, the lending library, the open house dates, meetings, brunch dates, and all the information and support that comes with it.
If you have any questions you can contact
All the best to you and your family, and welcome among us.
ANPA members
The ANPA was created in response to a growing demand for an alternative to parenting organisations and “experts” that encourage artificial feeding, artificial nipples, parent-child separation, vaccines and letting babies cry it out alone, commonly know as “sleep training” and other common trends in parenting practices. We have a forum that is for discerning parents. It is for parents whose babies and children’s and consequentially the family’s well being is priority. The parents on our forum believe that being in contact with like-minded parents is part of the network that promotes conscious, educated parenting.
Our parenting choices are based on the golden standard of real milk, the human kind, and our support extends to parents who share the same standards and want to go beyond. We welcome breastfeeding mothers or mothers who have breastfed until their children wean from the the breast naturally. We believe that offering our breasts as sexual objects is a personal choice, and every woman's right. (not to mention fun) but that feeding babies with breasts is not a question of choice, but of making a stand against the power of marketing over ignorance and isolation. If you think you "can't" breastfeed or "couldn't" please see or any qualified IBCLC or an LLL leader.
This website offers a very small selection of documents and testimonies that are available on the forum PLUS a photo gallerie offering a glimpse into our lives as active parents, free, independant of bottles, (except the champagne kind of course) push chairs, cots, painful front packs and lots more of the expensive equipment that we used to think we needed to be happy parents.
Lots of us have had serious breastfeeding problems, so some of us have a lot of experience with the breast pump kind of equipment, that sometimes is necessary to save a compromised breastfeeding process. (its a bit of a paradox, but we consider the breast pump equipment an investment towards future freedom)
On the forum you will find more documents, and testimonies that can be useful to many stages of parenting, from pregnancy and giving birth to child education.
In our forum you will find real support, with attachment parents, backed by research based information. We know we are definitely the minority in our parenting standards. We know that our parenting choices can trigger guilty feelings, hostility or even aggression from parents, organisations or “experts” that don’t have the same values or education so we recognise that support in our choices is vital to our strength and well being as individual parents and families.
Although there are no rules to natural parenting, there are concepts that we all agree on that are mentioned in the ANPA charter.
To be sure the ANPA is for you, you may ask for a downloadable copy of the charter/quesionnaire. If you do agree with our basic philosophie, please fill it in and send it to
The 25€ annual membership is payable by cheque or paypal. A year's membership, gives you access to the forum, the lending library, the open house dates, meetings, brunch dates, and all the information and support that comes with it.
If you have any questions you can contact
All the best to you and your family, and welcome among us.
ANPA members